Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissure

Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissure

Hemorrhoid disease is caused by swollen vessels (veins) in the rectum, (lowest part of your gut). Common symptoms include discomfort, irritation, leakage of stool and bleeding. Hemorrhoidal disease is very common, more than 10 million people in the U.S. suffer from hemorrhoids. You may be able to feel or see hemorrhoids but sometimes they are hidden inside your rectum. Our clinic can help with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids. Treatment options include pharmaceutical interventions that target possible constipation or diarrhea which often coexist with the disease, development of healthy bowel habits and hemorrhoidal banding procedure that is offered in our clinic. Anal fissure is a tear in the area of the opening where your bowel movements come out, the anus. Anal fissure can present with intense pain, especially when you have a bowel movement, and small bleeding. Constipation with hard and dry bowel movements can predispose someone to developing anal fissures. Early diagnosis and treatment can relieve discomfort and pain hat are associated with this condition. Diagnosis can be as simple as a gentle exam from the gastroenterologist during a clinic visit. Treatment options include fiber supplementation and stool softeners to restore healthy bowel habits, and topical creams.