Functional Dyspepsia
Functional Dyspepsia
The feeling of bloating is due to gas presence in the intestines and stomach which can be uncomfortable or even painful, and frequent. There can be many causes for bloating depending on the severity and the time of onset. If you feel bloated after eating, it may be that you have a reaction to certain foods, in the case of frequent bloating it can show a gastrointestinal disease, which can mean irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory diseases, or it may even be constipation if you don’t feel empty after vacating your bowels which can cause gas buildup. Treatment is available, a dietary change might be needed in most cases, as it could be a reaction to certain foods or a general intestinal sensitivity issue. This can be done through elimination or following a low-FODMAP diet. Also, a number of medications and changes on the microbiome can help your symptoms. In our clinic, we have a great number of tools to help you improving your symptoms.

Functional dyspepsia means a chronic indigestion, so lasting a long time often having symptoms over a period of 6 months or more. Indigestion means that there might be a pain in the stomach after eating, intense bloating or burping, a feeling of fullness (satiety) coming quickly when eating, as well as heartburn and acid reflux. The cause of this condition is unknown, so you may be tested for other conditions due to the similarity in symptoms to rule them out first before you can be diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. Stomach ulcers, GERD, gastritis and Helicobacter pylori infection may have to be ruled out first. Diagnosing this condition, therefore, is gradual, you may have to do blood tests, breath tests, as well as an upper endoscopy, in which an endoscope, a small, thin tube with a camera, will be inserted into the upper part of your digestive tube until it reaches the start of your intestines. Since the cause is not certain and may be a systemic or anatomical anomaly, the best approach for treatment is to treat the probable causes and manage the symptoms. Antibiotics and other drugs such as proton pump inhibitors can be prescribed for H.pylori infections, lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, and dietary changes, and weight loss may all be required to alleviate a few of your symptoms.