Dysphagia is the medical term for ‘’difficulty swallowing’’. The problem can originate from the mouth, throat or the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach, the esophagus. Symptoms include difficulty or pain when swallowing, feeling like food is stuck in your throat or chest, and coughing or gagging when attempting to swallow. Sudden onset of dysphagia, is an alarming sign of possible malignancy. Overall, different etiologies can be responsible for this disorder including infection, benign strictures, damage from acid reflux or cancer. A number of tests will help us identify the etiology of this symptom such as imaging studies of your esophagus and upper endoscopy. Different treatment options are available that will target the underlying etiology including controlling your acid reflux or stretching a narrow area of the esophagus with a balloon during an upper endoscopy to help you swallow better.